Annual Meeting Minutes – January 13, 2015

Autumn Grove / Stone Bridge Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 13, 2015


 Board Members Present:     Katrina Coffey (Member at Large), Greg Gaden (President), and Micki Taylor (Treasurer)

Members Present:    John Russell, Kelly Cox, Chad Galbraith, Julie Gregory, Lisa Jansen Bartholow, Susan Hendrick, David Petersen, Praveen Fernandes, Paul Elko, Matthew Kock, Chad Jeffrey, and Brad Bourland.

 Members Present by Proxy: Andrew VanFossen, Kennneth Snyder, Tara Warren, Mark Gutowski Jr., Jay Martin, Michael Roppe, Lance Tonnies, Jon Johnson, and Lawayne Feit.

Guest:  Beth Krolikowski of P.J. Morgan, Property Management Company

Welcome and Introductions – Greg opened the meeting at 6:04pm, and thanked all of those in attendance. Everyone present introduced themselves at the meeting. Greg reviewed the agenda and asked if there were any additions to the agenda, and additions were asked to be brought up during New Business of the agenda, as they may be covered during discussion.

Minutes– Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on March 25, 2014 and minutes from the Board Meeting held on December 2, 2014 were available and reviewed. A motion was made to approve both sets of minutes, which was seconded with all in favor to approve the minutes.

2015 Proposed Budget-The 2015 Proposed Budget was reviewed. Greg advised all homeowners that were present that the Board of Directors has been reviewing all contracts that are in place and have been soliciting estimates for all services to make sure that the Homeowners Association is getting the best services for the funds. It was brought to the Board of Directors attention that social events was not on the proposed Budget for 2015, the Board determined that funding could be taken from the miscellaneous category on the budget, and if the Board is successful in collecting the back dues that are owed this could allow for additional funding.

The Board of Directors has been working with Beth Krolikowski from PJ Morgan in collecting insurance estimates, as spreadsheet was available for those present that compared the estimates that had been received. Discussion was had regarding the policies and the coverage. A motion was made to approve the Farm Bureau quote with the 1 million coverage on the Directors and Officers Policy and the General Liability policy for an annual total of $3158.00. The motion was seconded and all were in favor.

A Late/Collection Policy was provided to all in attendance and was reviewed for Homeowner input. This policy will allow the Board of Directors to issue late fees and show Homeowners the timeline in which late or no payments will occur. The Policy was amended to have action dates start earlier after annual dues are issued. The Policy was motioned for approval with the stated amendments, the motion was seconded and all were in favor. The Board will be sending out the Policy to all Homeowners with a copy of the minutes from the meeting.

Covenant Violations were also discussed, when a complaint is reported the Board will do a little investigation to ensure that there is a true violation. If the violation is found, then the Board will have Beth Krolikowski with PJ Morgan issue written notification stating which covenant is currently in violation. If the violation is not corrected a second notification is then sent within 14-30 days. Discussion was had on the current process. It was recommend that the first correspondence should indicate the violation, and allow 14 days to correct or contact Beth, and then the second warning letter would allow 7 days to correct the violation or to contact Beth. The Board would encourage Homeowners to contact a Board member or Beth at PJ Morgan for discussion and how to move forward with the violation. The third and final warning to resolve Covenant violations was tabled until more information can be collected regarding the Declarant status.

A motion was made to approve the 2015 budget, the motion was seconded and approved by all present.

2015 Board of Directors Election– The 2015 Ballot was reviewed; nominations and volunteers were asked to fill the President seat. A motion was made to elect Greg Gaden as President for the 2015 term, the motion was seconded and all were in favor. Nominations and volunteers were asked to fill the Vice President seat which is a 2 year term. A motion was made to elect Katrina Coffey, the motion was seconded and all were in favor. Nominations and volunteers were asked to fill the Secretary position which is a 3 year term. A motion was made to elect Dave Petersen as the Secretary, the motion was seconded and all were in favor. The Treasurer position is a 3 year term in which Micki Taylor holds the seat, so no voting was needed on that positon. Nominations and volunteers were asked to fill the Member at Large position on the Board of Directors. A motion was made to have Lisa Jansen Bartholow and Kelly Cox serve as Members at Large, the motion was seconded and all were in favor.

Subcommittee Updates– The Annual Garage Sale will be held again the first weekend in June (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), last year there was a good turnout, and it would be great to see additional homes get involved.

Social Events are a desire amongst most homeowners according to those present as well as information provided back by the surveys. If any Homeowners would like to help with planning, organizing, etc., the Board would welcome volunteers to help form a committee.

Newsletters are planned to be brought back to the neighborhood with the help of Lisa Jansen Bartholow, look for your first newsletter to hit in early spring. Dave Petersen also volunteered to help with the website, and keeping that updated.

Proposed 2015 Board of Directors Goals– The Board of Directors would like to focus on the following goals for the upcoming year.

  1. Increase maintenance on all entrances within the Homeowners association. This would include trimming and cleaning of the entrances. Adding landscaping and looking into an update of the entrance signs.
  2. Review of all contracts for lawn care, trash removal, and irrigation.
  3. Increase membership communication and participation. The Board would like to see an increase in neighborhood activities, and to add newsletters back into the community.
  4. Assist Homeowners in membership needs such as Covenants, and addressing the concerns of Homeowners in the neighborhood.

New Business/Open Discussion– No additional discussion items were brought up at the meeting.

Future Board of Directors Meeting– All Board meetings are open, and all homeowners are encouraged to attend. The next Board Meeting will be held on February 19th, 2015 at 6pm. The meeting will also be posted on the website.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:57pm, the motion was seconded and all were in favor.